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BIERA  Breast Implant
Evidence & Research Archive

BIERA is a part of the GPAC Global Patient Advocacy Coalition network, dedicated to pursuing investigation of chemical exposures from silicone in breast implants, fillers, and/or other surgical implants. BIERA is collecting independent and impartial evidence and research around the safety of silicone implants. In January 2024, BIERA had a meeting with the EPA Assessment Team and Chief of Staff from the EPA’s Office of Children’s Health Protection. The BIERA committee was formed by Jan Spivey, Melissa Puryear, and Robyn Towt. Jan Spivey is the Co-founder of PIP Action Campaign and Global Game of Implants and is based in London in the UK.  Melissa Puryear is a USA Army Veteran and GPAC founding member who is passionate about researching the chemical toxicity in silicone. Robyn Towt is Co-founder of GPAC Global Patient Advocacy Coalition.


We have formed a PESS group for silicone exposed patients and children who were exposed in utero and/or during breastfeeding in order to initiate a risk evaluation of the chemicals in silicone. PESS stands for Population of Exposed/Susceptible to Substance. After a risk evaluation, the EPA will determine whether or not the chemical presents an unreasonable risk to health or the environment under the chemical’s condition of use.  









Background and History: 

The Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 provides EPA with authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and/or mixtures. Some chemicals may present an unreasonable risk or injury to health or the environment due to the potential hazard and route of exposure, including to susceptible populations who may be at greater risk, such as children and workers.  The Frank R. Lautenberg 21st Century Chemical Safety Act amends the TSCA to include the following.


  • Mandatory requirement for EPA to evaluate existing chemicals with clear and enforceable deadlines;

  • Risk-based chemical assessments;

  • Increased public transparency for chemical information; and

  • Consistent source of funding for EPA to carry out the responsibilities under the new law.

Register to join PESS group

PESS Group is for patients and children who were exposed to silicone 

Learn More

Learn about Toxic Substance Control Act

Learn about Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act

Learn about the EPA's Office of Childrens Health Protection

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