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Dr. Henry Dijkman discusses silicone migration in all breast implants (silicone and saline)

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Assessment of Silicone Particle Migration Among Women Undergoing Removal or Revision of Silicone Breast Implants in the Netherlands | JAMA Network | September 2021

Degradation of the breast implant shell is not something that plastic surgeons are studying or talking about. Device manufacturer literature clearly states that silicone particles "bleed" from the shell into the body.

"Old implants were fluid in 1995, studies showed there was causality between the fluid silicone and migration. Plastic surgeons say the newer cohesive implants don't bleed and they are safe," states Dr. Dijkman. However, the manufacturer FDA Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data (SSED) states that this happens. Dr. Dijkman sees migration in all of the patients that they had. It does not stay in the capsule, it moves into the body, everywhere. Radiologist Dr. Eduardo Fleury can also see the silicone migration on an MRI.

New cohesive implants act the same as the old ones, they bleed from the first day of implantation, causing chronic inflammatory reaction, histiocytes, giant cells and granuloma. Granuloma is a very specific inflammatory reaction. Silicone in lymph nodes travels throughout the entire body. Dr. Dijkman and Dr. Kappell had an autopsy that showed the silicone almost everywhere in the body.

In summary, breast implants biodegrade in the body and biodegradation of the shell releases small particles into the body. Particles of silicone are not inert. Dr. Dijkman states that the new cohesive gel acts the same way as the old fluid silicone.

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