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Teresa Diaz is honored to be nominated to serve on the FDA's Patient Engagement Advisory Committee.

The Patient Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC) is the first and only advisory committee whose members are all patients, caregivers, and representatives of patient organizations.

The FDA established the Committee to help assure that the needs and experiences of patients are included as part of the FDA’s deliberations on complex issues involving the regulation of medical devices and their use by patients.

This Committee brings patients, caregivers, patient organizations, and experts together for a broader discussion of important patient-related issues. Such discussions may help inform device innovation, development, evaluation, and access and help the FDA meet its public health commitment to protect and promote public health. (

GPAC's Co-founder Terri Diaz will be serving to represent patients' voices as a Special Government Employee with PEAC. She will advise the Commissioner or designee, on complex issues relating to medical devices, the regulation of devices, and their use by patients. Her term is from 5/27/22 to 4/30/26.

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