On June 12, 2024 the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and
the Aesthetic Society released a joint statement about breast
implant removal terminology, a statement that is based on very
limited data and research about proper removal techniques for
breast implant removal.
The Global Patient Advocacy Coalition does not support this
statement due to the current lack of scientific evidence. In short
“we don’t know what we don’t know”. GPAC will continue to
monitor ongoing research that is being conducted in an effort to
learn more about the health impacts of different methods of
breast implant removal.
This press release contradicts the expert opinions of many plastic
surgeons who treat breast implant illness patients and patients
who have developed cancer from breast implants. Recently, in
April 2024, the 5th World Consensus Conference on BIA-ALCL was
held in Rome, Italy. Many surgeons at the conference expressed
concerns about breast implant-related cancers and made
statements in their presentations about the importance of proper
complete removal of breast implant capsules.
Additionally, the American Association of Plastic Surgeons
recently issued a statement in March 2024 which concluded it is
considered reasonable to prophylactically remove textured breast
implants to reduce the risk of cancer. This statement was
supported by numerous global experts in the plastic surgery
community, as well as all of the explant surgeons that our GPAC
team collaborates with.
It is important to note the history of deception by the plastic
surgeon societies that are represented in this statement. In 2011,
after the FDA announced BIA-ALCL, an emerging breast implant
related cancer, the societies launched a joint educational
campaign to dismiss and downplay the cancer that is caused by
breast implants. Public Citizen reported that the societies
“urged members to inaccurately downplay the significance of recent
evidence about the risks of breast implant-related cancer when
speaking to female patients during a recent members-only webinar
posted on the ASPS and ASAPS websites. Such communications
represented a deplorable attempt to trivialize the significance of the
findings of increased numbers of cases of a rare form of cancer, called
anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), in women with breast implants.
Public Citizen called on the FDA to stop this deliberately misleading
messaging campaign, the goal of which apparently was to keep
women in the dark about the dangers of breast implants so they will
continue to ask for them.” (read full article here)
GPAC was initially invited to participate in the Breast Surgery
Collaborative Community (BSCC), but the experience has resulted
in both GPAC members (Robyn Towt and Terri Diaz) resigning
from the committee, as it did not align with our views on patient
safety and improving standard of care for all patients.
It is our hope that the Breast Implant Illness community and
explant surgeons understand that this statement does not reflect
the views of all plastic surgeons, and directly contradicts opinions
of surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, immunologists, and
pathologists who work extensively with explant patients and
patients who have developed breast implant-related cancers.
GPAC continues to proudly participate in projects that only serve
the best interests of patients and we are committed to continuing
to serve the patient community in an honorable manner. We look
forward to providing our supporters with the latest information
regarding breast implants and medical device safety. Thank you
for your support!